Monthly Archives: November 2011

Things You Know, Only If you Rescue Swans

If you have rescued swans for any length of time, quite quickly you accumulate a list comprising a number of places you have to visit more frequently than others; we tend to call them ‘black spots’. One such place is … Continue reading

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It’s not always bad news, but it may start that way!

Calls to Bute East Dock (Atlantic Wharf) in Cardiff have not been uncommon over the years, but usually they come from either Amanda or Yvonne whom we can describe as our ‘eyes’ in the area, and they miss nothing which … Continue reading

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The Oh So Sad Story of Swan 2571

2571 is the number carried by a hospital ring applied to the leg of a beautiful adult male swan rescued from Rhoose Point, Vale of Glamorgan on Thursday 25th. August. (See earlier report).  He had swallowed fishing line, and had … Continue reading

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