Monthly Archives: October 2011

Injured swan at Channel View, Cardiff Bay

Had a call from Ellen. She was in a swan-related meeting at Margam, but a swan had been reported as injured at the Cardiff Bay Watersports Centre slipway, at Channel View in Cardiff. The Cardiff Bay Barrage people thought that … Continue reading

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Rhoose Point Again

Had a call from Dewi, a resident at Rhoose Point this morning. A swan had been sitting in the middle of the fairway for a day or so, and apart from accepting bread, was not moving about. As there was … Continue reading

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A Scary Rescue on the Canal at Malpas, Newport, S. Wales

And so it goes on day after day, week after week and the calls keep coming. When the phone rings, particularly the mobile, it’s almost certainly to do with a swan in distress somewhere – Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, over the river … Continue reading

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South Wales Police Call for Help

Once cygnets start to take their first flights away from the nest site, it is normal for this to signal the start of a whole series of calls about cygnets in trouble – or even calling trouble!. And so it … Continue reading

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