Author Archives: admin

Bloody Eastville Bloody Fishermen!

I hear from Peter and Ellen earlier today, with the really bad news that the Swan that we had taken from Eastville Lake on Monday (see previous blog entry) had died during the night. In Peter’s words – “Regrettably, during … Continue reading

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Eastville Park Lake, Bristol – 18th February 2013

I don’t like mornings – and Monday mornings are the pits! However, I answered my Summons and presented myself at Ellen’s at 10am, with kayak on car roof. Peter and Ellen were ready to go, so we disappeared off to … Continue reading

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Rhoose Point Again

Had a call from Dewi, a resident at Rhoose Point this morning. A swan had been sitting in the middle of the fairway for a day or so, and apart from accepting bread, was not moving about. As there was … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Welcome to the new Swan Rescue South Wales Blog. Constructive input is welcome, but please note that this blog is fully moderated, and spam and other abuse will not be tolerated.

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